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Chimes, Alerts & Buzzers

The growth of audible alerts in modern vehicles has been on a rise. From ajar doors to collision warnings, modern vehicles alert & warn drivers more than ever before.

Imagine if cars did not have internal alerts/chimes to warn you if your door is open, your seatbelt isn't on or your approaching a stopped vehicle too fast. This would with no doubt lead to more accidents & injuries. In fact, studies show that audible alerts that sound when tripped by sensors reduce crash rates by 20%. These alerts are life savers since they provide drivers with instant warning/feedback.

It may not be notice, but these sounds were not created on a whim. In fact, engineers spend countless hours figuring out what sounds to make these alerts & chimes. After all, manufacturers don't want drivers & passengers to be annoyed - especially if you have to hear that on a daily basis. But it doesn't stop there, these engineers also need the sound to have some authority in dangerous situations (e.g., frontal collision warning). It's a fine line, & you can see why it takes companies a long time to derive these sounds.

These alerts help communicate to drivers or passengers of potential danger.

Auto manufacturers want to control how to internally - inside the vehicle - communicate to drivers to make the road safer. Distracted driving is on a steep rise, & some of the new features that are coming involve alerts when a driver takes their eyes off the road. These features will save lives, & have a tremendous impact on the landscape of driving (especially with the younger generation).

The question now is what will auto makers do to externally enhance communication gaps between a vehicle & bystander? Distractions aren't limited to only drivers of vehicles, but in all phases on the road.

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Finding your frequency,

Ankit Patel

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