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Digitization & Computerization

Digitization & Computerization has revolutionized how cars work, how they are made and how we view them.

The digital age has transformed our everyday lives from consumer appliances to ordering food. One of the biggest transformation has occurred in vehicles. Now, we aren't just talking about the Teslas or Audis of the world, but even standard, modern cars like Hyundais or Toyotas.

The major trend in the auto industry, outside of renewable vehicles, is making vehicles smarter. Whether it would be A.I. that leads to self-driving tech or starting your car through your smartphone app. The demand to make vehicles smarter through digitization & computerization has drastically increased. This integration isn't just happening at the highest component level, but with low level components as well. For example, traditional electromechanical relays are being replaced by digitally controlled TRIACS. This allows ECUs (Electronic Control Units - these are control units that can process information) to digitally & logically control components that were switched on/off using an electromechanical relay in the past.

Take this for instance, if you have car issues & decide to go to your vehicle make's dealership. The first thing that mechanic will likely do is connect a diagnostic tool to read what the vehicle's ECUs are reporting - assuming your vehicle is a 2010 model or later. These readings will tell your mechanic if there is a faulty sensor, low pressure or other issues in a fairly quick period of time. Your current vehicle has a lot of neat gadgets that make it intelligent, & the next vehicle you buy (if you buy a new one) will most likely even be twice as smart.

With all that being said, there have been components that haven't been update in a long time *cough* vehicle horn *cough*. All jokes aside, if there was a time to update these legacy components, now would be the time. I can't speak much about the other components, but what I can about the vehicle horn is that it is coming at a critical time.

If you read my first blog ("If your car could talk...), I talk more in great detail about the importance of communication. The only form of audibly communicating is through your horn, which lacks any form of versatility. The need for warning intelligently is growing as the landscape for driving is integrating not only more vehicles, but cyclists & pedestrians as well.

Intelligently controlling your horn via digital signal adds the capability of shifting the volume or tone of your horn. As vehicles become increasingly intelligent, a digital smart horn can integrate into a vehicle's A.I. ecosystem to not only shift volume or tone based on specific parameters, but to automatically warn bystanders of danger when an accident is imminent (think forward collision warning, but for the exterior to warn bystanders). This integration allows to shift volume & tone based on urgency or danger to better enhance safety & communication.

As autonomous vehicles become a reality, a digital smart horn is a way for A.I. to communicate effectively to other vehicles, cyclists or pedestrians. For example, imagine a computed algorithm that calculates a 50% chance that a cyclist is aware a vehicle is approaching their left side. Intelligently communicating via a digital smart horn can shift that percentage from 50% to 100% awareness. This wouldn't cause unnecessary noise, & would ensure the cyclist is aware of the vehicle.

A.I. & how it will impact driving is a fascinating subject that is starting to get widespread coverage. The need for communication in the future will not only be vehicle-to-vehicle, but vehicle-to-pedestrian or vehicle-to-cyclists.

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Finding your frequency,

Ankit Patel

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